Á vormisseri er Ljósmyndabókinn einn vinnustofuáföngum nemenda Námsbrautar í skapandi ljósmyndun 2. Það var Arnar Freyr Guðmundsson (SudioStudio) sem að þessu sinni vann með nemendum. Viðfangsefnið þar var meðal annars að gera ljósmyndabók með eigin verkum.
Grace Jane Barbörudóttir gerði bókverkið “Do you hold your breath along the length of the aluminum factory?” (2022-2023)
Hún segir:
I am fascinated by structures whose significance becomes unmoored, or stretched beyond its functionality in the cultural consciousness. These are buildings that mean something to people, have an emotional significance, or a shared cultural feeling that is not tied to its purpose but maintains a presence in people’s minds — simply because of its there-ness. Accidental emotional monuments. A character or spirit of its own. People love it and can’t quite articulate why. Banal structures of reverence.
In the next decade, the contract with Rio Tinto will expire and the future of the Aluminum Factory is up in the air. Open for 50 years, it is now operating at a loss. This piece monumentalises the factory while the people of Hafnarfjörður ponder its future and reflect on its past.“
Hér er ein mynd frá undirbúningi bókverksins.